Local Obituary

Hundreds farewell historian

Richard Stowers – 11.11.1951 – 20.04.2021 New Zealand lost one of its foremost historians with the passing of Waikato’s Richard Stowers. A titan in terms of his knowledge around military history, the former Cambridge High…

Obituary: Part of the ‘whakapapa of this place’

Faith was front and centre of Margaret Vosper’s life. It steeled her against tragedy, became her family’s life-blood and was a beacon for decades spent serving others. Stephanie Vosper, one of her three surviving children,…

Obituary: A real gentleman farewelled

ALEXANDER STEWART MITCHELL December 5 1933 – March 19 2021 By Carole Hughes Alexander Stewart Mitchell was always known as Stewart. Stewart was a gentleman. He was a husband to Elizabeth, a father, a grandfather,…

Obituary: Cambridge salutes a respected aviator

Aubrey Bills’ farewell at Cambridge Raceway was spliced with stories of a proud, accomplished man, one not blessed with great patience, but gifted with intense loyalty and a mischievous sense of fun. Aubrey died in…

Obituary: St John stalwart farewelled

Audrey Pinfold’s farewell centred on her enthusiastic support of whatever community she belonged to, and to her extensive service with the Order of St John. The 92-year-old, who was born in Hawke’s Bay and died…

Obituary: Last post sounds for John Hargreaves

When John Hargreaves was laid to rest last month, he took with him a sizeable slice of Cambridge history and 73 years of unmatched memories linked to the town’s brass band. John was nine when…

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