Local Opinion

Following the trail

Hello again, I’ll start with some more good work stories. Constable Tuhi recently attended a burglary where a work trailer was stolen from a site address on Thornton Road. His enquiries swiftly identified that the…

The added danger of water

Magma is complicated enough. When water enters the scene and mixes with it, things can go haywire. There are different ways to classify eruption styles. One of these ways is through whether water is involved,…

Perspective shapes destiny

There’s a funny story about a man eager to impart to his son the value of truthfulness whatever it might ‘cost’ in life. He related the story of George Washington being given a hatchet as…

What Economists Really Think

I attended an economics conference at Waikato University on February 15 and 16. The topics discussed included the future of agriculture, the state of the health sector, demographic changes, the tax system, social investment, trade…

Talking about context

We are often challenged in how we interact with and relate to matters of interest and issues of importance, Often with matters of mere interest it’s simply a quick and easy reaction to and/or with…

Looking at work in the town centre

A lot of construction activity is happening in the Cambridge Central Business District. With the Cambridge Pathway Plan well underway, the community board is encouraging residents to keep their ‘eyes on the prize’ which we…

Look for the signs

This week I have been asked to highlight a situation around our vulnerable elderly. Search and rescue were recently deployed after an elderly male did not return to his Waipa home after walking off. Neighbours…

Bloody good news – we told you so!

Update – 12.30pm Friday 23 February – Media Release New Zealand Blood Service People who lived in the United Kingdom, France or Republic of Ireland between 1980 and 1996 for six months or more during…

Getting our plans sorted

The Environment Court proceedings for Plan Change One (PC1) have concluded, and we are now awaiting a decision which is due in the middle of this year. The new Government has signalled they intend to…

Hope for a confused world

The Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is acclaimed as a giant in world literature and his epic work War and Peace is recognised as one of the finest novels ever written. Tolstoy wrote in depth about…

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