Letters to editor about Newcombe Rd Quarry

No to sand quarry

After reading your report in the recent Cambridge News November 18 2021,I am most shocked that a company would even wish, let alone think of defacing the beautiful country side of Cambridge.

Should this even go towards Council is quite unbelievable. The danger that this quarry could cause to public health is unimaginable and completely devastating when we supposedly live in a clean, green country called New Zealand.

Please no to this atrocity. Please do not allow defacing our beautiful tranquil countryside nor allow the trucks of which would increase traffic, noise and pollution and disturb our natural native bird life, cleanliness of Waikato River, extra expense to ratepayers through the unnecessary roading expenses.

Please no to this development.

Patricia Sheriff

Last thing we need

Having read the November 18th article in the local paper, I must admit to a few restless nights with visions of truck and trailers hauling through the already over-burdened Cambridge roading system. Exiting onto the main road from a trip to Mitre 10 or turning left or right from Countdown / Mobil intersection on any period where events around Waipa bring the crowds to town, is difficult at the best of times.

It is to be hoped this doesn’t get past base one, our growth is consuming all at the moment and while it’s great to welcome new folks, this needs to be balanced to infrastructure. A 25 year quarry consent that will do nothing for Cambridge but incur cost to roading and public annoyance is the absolute last thing we need.

David Johnston

Environmental disaster

We fully support Rhys Powell and neighbours’ opposition to the proposed quarry between the Waikato Express Way and French Pass Road.

The quarry would be an environmental disaster. We live on Thornton Road which would presumably be the main route to the quarry. The road has numerous huge trucks frequently traveling along it. Add as many as a forecast additional 200 trucks a day for the next 25 years using Thornton & other access routes in Cambridge would seem like “a no brainer” for Waipa District Council to even consider giving consent for the quarry.

Ronnie & Christine Smith

Voice our concern

In regard to your article about the proposed quarry opposite the golf course we would like to voice our concern about its proximity to town and households and also if it does go ahead then the contractors should be made to put on and off ramps onto the site from the highway.

They should not be allowed to go through town or any suburb with trucks. It’s contradictory that trucks would even be allowed to go through suburbs considering all the wasted money spent on safer roads for kids on bikes and pathways.

We object strongly to this proposal and hope it’s doesn’t get bulldozed through like some of the latest government projects.

David and Renata Stent


Not for me…

I strongly oppose the proposal to open a sand quarry as revealed in the Cambridge News.

I am a neighbour of Mr Powell and share the same issues. I understand that the silica sand dust can cause cancer, and 52 to 200 trucks everyday would be unbearable.

I’ve lived in Fencourt almost 50 years and planned my retirement in a quiet rural location. Cambridge and in particular French Pass and Fencourt is renowned for horses, trees and tranquillity.

I will be objecting to the application

Michael Truscott


The sand facts

I read with great interest your headline item on November 18 issue of Cambridge News.

Having spent many years in the civil construction industry and having had a fair bit to do with quarrying and sand mining, I thought I would highlight a few misconceptions about sand mining discussed in your lead item.

To call the proposal a ‘quarry’ is misleading. The word ‘quarry’ immediately conjures up visions of rock blasting, dust and noise.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A sand extraction operation would best be described as a ‘sand pit’.

Fundamentally, after stripping off any surface material, the underlying sand, depending upon its composition, can be dug straight out of the ground and loaded upon a truck.

Some sifting and grading could also be necessary, but sand is very forgiving, and any dry areas can be sprinkled with water and kept damp.

So very little noise and little or no dust.

But the important issue is the great need for sand, particularly for the manufacture of concrete. It is a vital component. The Waikato and other rivers have, over aeons of time, deposited sand over the Waikato region, but access to significant accessible deposits is growing ever scarcer.

The extraction of sand from the Waikato River is history now.

Locals need to think long and hard about their possible objection to the establishment of a sand pit in their area. Sand is a vital ingredient in concrete and without it we are all potentially in trouble.

As a society, we all need the sand, and shouldn’t allow nimbyism to dictate the wrong outcome. Roading issues can be sorted by negotiation. (Abridged)

Roger Douglas


Editor’s Note: In correspondence to both the council and affected parties, the applicant describes the operation as a sand quarry.

Vehemently opposed

My family and I have been property owners in French Pass Road for more than 20 years. We purchased the property for retirement and family security.

We are vehemently opposed to the sand quarry development.

Personally, I haven’t got 25 years left and certainly don’t want to live in a cloud of dust. We are very concerned about the silica dust, with its health issues and contamination of drinking water in the area and the natural waterways.

Also, the noise factor. I still enjoy riding my horse down by the Karāpiro Stream that runs between my property and the proposed sand quarry.

This stream is full of native eels and other water life such as native frogs, some wild deer come down from the hills and someone told me they saw some native bats one evening in the trees.

As landowners directly bordering this plan, we have not yet been informed by the consulting principals of this development.

For the well-being of our younger generation we ask all of Cambridge residents – please do not let this development continue.

Ken Pearson & Family



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